
Dentures are removable dental prosthetics used to replace missing teeth and surrounding tissues in the mouth. At Sage Brush Dental Health, they are custom-made to fit an individual's mouth and provide a functional and aesthetically pleasing set of teeth. Dentures can replace a few missing teeth or an entire upper or lower arch set. Dentures consist of artificial teeth made from various materials, such as acrylic, porcelain, or a combination of materials. These artificial teeth are attached to a base that mimics the appearance of natural gum tissue. The base is typically made from acrylic or metal and is designed to fit comfortably and securely over the gums. 

Types of Dentures

Complete Dentures 

These are used when all teeth in the upper or lower arch are missing. Complete dentures are designed to replace the entire set of teeth in the arch. 

Partial Dentures 

These are used when some natural teeth are still present in the arch. Partial dentures consist of replacement teeth attached to a metal or acrylic framework that attaches to the natural teeth for support. 

The Benefits of Dentures 

  • Dentures allow individuals to regain the ability to chew and bite properly, enabling them to eat a wider variety of foods and enjoy a balanced diet. 
  • Missing teeth can affect speech clarity. Dentures support the lips, cheeks, and tongue, helping individuals speak more clearly and confidently. 
  • Dentures can restore a natural-looking smile and facial appearance. They replace missing teeth, fill in gaps, and support the facial muscles, preventing a sunken or sagging appearance. 
  • Dentures can significantly improve a person's self-esteem and confidence. Dentures help individuals feel more comfortable and confident in social interactions and daily activities by restoring their smile and overall oral function. 
  • Dentures are often a more cost-effective tooth replacement option compared to alternatives such as dental implants or bridges. They offer a viable solution for individuals with budget constraints. 
  • Dentures support the facial muscles and help maintain the natural shape and contours of the face, preventing a collapsed or aged appearance that can occur with missing teeth. 
  • Dentures help distribute chewing forces more evenly, reducing the strain on the remaining natural teeth. They also make cleaning the oral cavity easier and maintain good oral hygiene. 

Care and Maintenance for Dentures 

  • Dentures should be cleaned daily to remove plaque, food particles, and bacteria. They can be brushed using a soft toothbrush, denture brush, and a non-abrasive cleaner. 
  • Dentures should be soaked overnight in a denture cleaning solution or water to keep them moist and prevent warping. 
  • Regular dental check-ups are important to ensure dentures fit properly and address any issues or adjustments needed. 

Visit Sage Brush Dental Health at 2901B North Lorraine St, Suite A, Hutchinson, KS 67502, or call (620) 663-5297 to determine if dentures are the appropriate solution for missing teeth. Our dentist can provide a comprehensive evaluation, discuss the options, and guide you through obtaining and maintaining dentures.


Contact Us

2901B North Lorraine St, Suite A,
Hutchinson, KS 67502


Phone: (620) 663-5297

Working Hours

MON8:00 am - 5:00 pm

TUE8:00 am - 5:00 pm

WED8:00 am - 5:00 pm

THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI9:00 am - 5:00 pm

